Wed, Nov 28, 2018 11:41 AM in Teaching Science Creatively
I am currently studying Early Childhood Education at the University of Northern Iowa. This semester, I am takinga an elementary school science methods course. This is something we have talked about a lot in this course. How do we keep subjects like science and social studies from taking a back burner and not being taught, or only being taught very occassionaly. One way that I thin...
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Thu, Nov 08, 2018 4:09 PM in Teaching Science to Kindergarten in a Short Time Frame
Wow! 15 minutes three days a week isn't very long to teach a sience lesson. One thing you could try is incorporating some time into your literacy block to do double duty and incorporate some information from your science lesson into your literacy block. You could do this by reading a book to or having your students read a book or an article on the topic. I am attaching a link that has some in...
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Sun, Nov 04, 2018 10:18 PM in Learning Science Concepts through Play
Hi Kathy! I am currently an early childhood education major at the University of Northern Iowa. The concept of children learning through play is one that is very imporant to me as a future educator. I think that in our current educational trends this is often the first thing that is forgotten. It is important to me that we not only advocate for our kiddos and what they need and how they best lear...
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