Tue, Nov 29, 2016 5:57 PM in Integrating Science
I am student teaching this semester in a bilingual kindergarten classroom. It seems like there is never enough time for science. Is it like this in all classroom? Or what are some good ways to integrate science into the everyday curriculum?
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Tue, Nov 29, 2016 5:53 PM in Tips and Tricks
I was the same way! Science was just never my favorite subject through grade school. I think you should try some hands-on lesson with engaging activities and more. Another great thing to include is letting students work in groups so they can exchange ideas and see how other people view the same thing.
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Tue, Nov 29, 2016 5:40 PM in English Language Learner Strategies?
A good ELL strategy is also using sentence stems to lead in students in the right direction. This also allows students to develop new language as well as allowing students the chance to practice their vocabulary. Using sentence stems lets students not have to think about the beginning of their thought as much as the end of it where they go deeper into meaning.
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