Sun, Dec 06, 2015 11:55 PM in Outdoor Activities
I really love the nature ideas and to add on, they can explore their playground. They can look at force within the swing set or the slide, or for energy, they can look at mechanical energy, potential and kinetic energy. A great example would be kicking a ball and identifying where the potential and kinetic energy take place or doing this with the swings.
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Sun, Dec 06, 2015 11:45 PM in How to fit science in your schedule
Just like many student teachers, I have a hard time having time for science, especially when I wanted to do labs. Some lesson have to be split in 2 days, while my cooperating teacher as tried to integrate science and reading together. This helps prep the students for science. As they are having reading class, they are still gaining background knowledge on the science unit they are currently on.
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Sun, Dec 06, 2015 11:31 PM in reward system?
This is great thing to point out. I am in my first year of student teaching and I realized how my cooperating teacher reinforces classroom community by having students support each other when others are rewarded. Nonetheless, in the beginning a few students were bothered for not getting a reward when they wanted, but now they learn to be content as everyone in the class will have a chance to be re...
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