Vernier Science Education - October 2024
  • Maxine Dibert

    Maxine Dibert
    Fairbanks School District

My NSTA / Peers / Maxine Dibert

I am a third grade teacher in Fairbanks, Alaska. I love to go running in the summer and cross country ski in the winter. I have two children, who I love to travel around and watch them play their sports. I am a firm believer in After-School programs for all children. Currently I teach first and second graders in our school's after school program in STEM activities. I am always looking for ways to teach them STEM activities at their developmental level. Living here in the North, we are seeing climate change at a fast rate and I am very interested in learning ways to teach students on ways they can adapt to these changes.



Forum Posts 28 Public Collections 2 Reviews 6

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 1,355

Badges Earned
Onyx Advocator Onyx Commenter Pearl Commenter Ruby Commenter NSTA Resource Activator
NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator MEMTA Acceptance