Dive In! Immersion in Science Practices for High School Students
Wed, Apr 19, 2017 9:47 AM
DIVE IN looked like it addressed some of the techniques I favored in teaching science and math at all levels from middle school to graduate school over the past 30+ years. I was not the least disappointed; in fact, I learned many new things. As teachers, we must do things differently to get out of the rut, and ahead of the rest of the world. We must teach using different techniques, and we must teach different materials. DIVE IN is the method by which we can accomplish this. My favorite example is teaching that Newtonian Physics must be modified by Quantum Mechanics and Relativity to be correct. A scientist in the classroom can accomplish this. The norm (requirements) cannot keep up with technology. We can only keep ahead by the techniques exampled in DIVE IN. Yes! I recommend reading, and applying this book.