Fri, Apr 26, 2013 10:29 PM in
In Hawaii, living and non-living things are taught in kindergarten. One thing that I remember doing while I was in elementary school and student teaching, is to have the children go outside and collect living and non living things. They could collect rocks, bugs, leaves, twigs etc. and then classify them in the classroom. They could also observe the attributes of living and non living things an...
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Fri, Apr 12, 2013 9:45 PM in Measurement
I found this topic to be interesting. It is a great way to integrate science, math and inquiry. Measurement can be used in every grade level. In my kindergarted student teaching, we had the students use string to measure their bean plants. They then compared thier strings to see which is longer and which is shorter and what happened to the string as the plant grew.
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Fri, Apr 12, 2013 9:45 PM in Measurement
I found this topic to be interesting. It is a great way to integrate science, math and inquiry. Measurement can be used in every grade level. In my kindergarted student teaching, we had the students use string to measure their bean plants. They then compared thier strings to see which is longer and which is shorter and what happened to the string as the plant grew.
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