Earth and Sky: Grades K-4
Tue, Nov 15, 2011 7:48 PM
Earth and Sky Grades K-4
The Earth and Sky sciguide provided me with wonderful resources that I never knew were available. I try to use interactive activities as much as possible because I use a SMART board in my classroom. This sciguide provided me with many interactive resources to use on the SMART board with my class. The Earth and Sky sciguide provided new creative lesson ideas and hands on activities that I can use or adapt for my classroom. I really enjoyed using the practice quiz about weather, water cycle and climate. The students used it as a tool for review before we took our final test.
The Earth and Sky sciguide was broken up into two content areas. There was a “Changes in Earth and Sky” section and an “Objects in the Sky” section. Each section was broken down even farther with links to resources related to the main topic. “Changes in Earth and Sky” was broken down into two subjects: Gravity links and Seasons links. The “Objects in the Sky” was broken down into three categories: Moon links, planet links and sun links. Each section included lessons plans, hands on investigations, online interactivity, graphics, assessments, data sources, news and more.