Fri, Apr 15, 2016 3:06 PM in Science Safety
I think it is better to over all science safety instructions and procedures during the first few weeks of school so the students can get used to it. When you teach a lesson that has a different safety procedure or precaution and instructions then you can explain it to them before teaching the lesson. Lab safety procedures are very important to learn in a science class, especially when they have to...
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Fri, Apr 15, 2016 8:58 AM in When a student mentions Pluto?
I think it is a good opportunity to use Pluto's change from a planet to a dwarf planet as a way to teach the students about how the information we have in science is always changing. We can show them how science is not always right because it changes based on the data and evidence that we gather in an investigation.
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Sat, Nov 21, 2015 11:00 PM in Science Notebook
In the third grade classroom I'm in the teacher uses science notebooks to help the students keep track of their work. She helps them make a table of contents and the students glue their work in the notebook. They write about what they learned that day or draw a picture about what they learned next to their work. You can help the students section their notebooks for observations, data, or questions...
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