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Gravitating Toward Reggio: Let the children lead their learning about the concepts of forces and motion
Fri, Dec 08, 2017 9:53 AM
An underrated approach to teaching
This article describes a means of structuring student learning based on candid opportunities and student-interest. The Reggio method is a wonderful idea but not necessarily practical depending on your district and how intense the curriculum is. Because science doesn't become a large factor until the later elementary grades, it may be hard to integrate science lessons let-alone ones that are dependent on the students that may have varying interests/events that are random. Like I mentioned before, if a district isn't very strict and you find that students are ahead of the game in math and literacy, this would be a very beneficial means of integrating science that is fun to learn and involve essential skills that help with student development.
Formative Assessment Probes: Embedding Formative Assessment Into the 5E Instructional Model
Fri, Dec 08, 2017 9:30 AM
Probing broken down for you...PEO and FACT
When it comes to pre-assessment, it can be hard to develop a sure-fire way to uncover misconceptions.Probing is a common means of doing this. The PEO method is described as Prediction, Explain, and Observe. This method not only informs the teacher but also redirects the students and their misconceptions better preparing them for the content they will be learning. As far as the remaining aspects of the lesson goes, this article does a great job of breaking down the 5E's (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate) into their general purposes and what should be achieved at the end of each. In addition, this article goes in depth for how to do formative assessment probes in each of the E's.
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