• Oded Kariti

    Oded Kariti
    San Diego University

My NSTA / Peers / Oded Kariti

Both academic scientist and independent researcher, professor Oded Kariti was born on July 15, 1975, in San Diego, California. At the age of four Kariti moved to New York City. His parents always encouraged him and stressed the importance of education. When he was around seven years old Kariti started sparking his interest in science. During high school, his talent was noticed by his physics professor who helped him further develop his interest and encouraged him to pursue a career in the field. After graduating as a valedictorian from Williams College, Kariti was admitted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From there he earned his B.S. degree in applied physics. The following year Oded Kariti went on to attend Princeton University as a junior fellow and remained there for six years until he moved to California to work on a research. When came back to California, Oded Kariti accepted a position as an assistant professor of applied physics at Pasadena.

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