Plants on Display
Tue, Feb 05, 2019 11:22 PM
Plant Displays
Plants are essential to our daily lives. Plants are used for food, medicine, clothing, etc. It is important for students to understand that we need plants in our lives. In this article, it discusses how students can understand how plants are essential to our lives. Rather than just learning about plants, allowing to have the students to have access to hands-on life science learning by having plant displays in the classroom. The plant displays follow an eight-month timeline that covers a project theme and the NGSS. While having these plant displays, it holds students accountable for maintaining the plant in the classroom. It also allows them to understand the learn about the plant’s: environment, families, organs, origins, growth, and reproduction. This article can be beneficial for teachers to provide students with the opportunity to experience plants up close. My only concern is not having available resources or plants to start the project. Otherwise, this is a great project to implement in the school!