Tue, Feb 11, 2014 1:21 PM in No Time for Science
This is a very difficult situation, for teachers all over the US, but with persistence and a creative mind frame something must be able to shift. I know, as a pre-student teacher, that you go into teaching filled with excitement and dreams about all the fun science projects, experiments, and explorations that you and your class will take, but reality is so different.
At the school I'm observin...
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Tue, Feb 11, 2014 1:05 PM in Time Management
Hi Hilary,
As a pre-student teacher, one of the things I observe happening most often in class is time being wasted on classroom management. If I started clocking minutes wasted, I bet the class spends at least a combined 40 minutes a day, just on behavior management. Time is wasted on getting out supplies, lining up, getting quite, and so on. I think one of the factors that contributes to thi...
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Tue, Feb 11, 2014 12:55 PM in Common Core Standards?
Hi Anna,
I am currently in a credential program (so not yet teaching full-time in schools), but my professors often have us work on what they call "Backwards Planning." In essence, it means start with your goals/assessments/standards - whatever it may be, and plan backwards from there. That way you can make sure that your target goals are going to be met.
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