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Recent Reviews by Kelsi
Animals in Disguise
Thu, Sep 28, 2017 8:53 PM
Animals In Disguise
I am currently a student teacher in a first grade classroom. My first major project is to design a science-learning segment on animal defenses. I searched NSTA for a good resource to find ideas on how to teach camouflage to a first grader. This article could not have been more perfect. It gave many examples of activities on how to teach this idea as well as detailed explanations of what the students responses were to the activities. Burke also included a title of a book she used and I could not help but purchase it for my students. The only idea that was not helpful for me was how she had her students write responses to some of her questions. My first graders are not very good at writing their ideas down so I am going to have to figure out another way for my students to tell/show me what they learned. Overall this article was extremely helpful because it gave me wonderful ideas to start creating my lessons for my students.
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