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Mon, May 08, 2017 2:43 AM in Keep It Exciting
I believe doing all hands on activities is the best way to keep your students interesting. Their are so many things you can make and do that is science related. In my science class in college , I found it pretty fun how we made ice cream in about 10 minutes in class. Plus it was so interesting.
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Mon, May 08, 2017 2:39 AM in Gardening at school with young children
I think you should start a garden right away to get the kids being hand-on's. I truly love your idea of planting a garden because when I was younger I didn't have the opportunity to do so. I actually may consider planting a garden when I become a teacher.
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Recent Reviews by LaShonda
Safety First: Ensuring a Safer Outdoor Experience
Fri, Feb 24, 2017 3:50 PM
Ensuring a Safer Outdoor Experience
This article was about how can learn more about the ecosystem outside in field experiences. It's always better for students to see for them self and be hands on rather than read a text book or get lectured about a lesson. It also makes the lesson more interesting and students will be more engaged. The article explains the procedures to go through with the students being able to go outside the classroom. The teacher has to be able to provide the curriculum aspects of outdoor learning to the parents and principal at the school. Also have in mind the different hazards that can happen outside doors such as biological, chemical and physical hazards. I enjoyed reading this article and was happy they explained the different requirements to have students be outside from the classroom because it is not an easy procedure.
Tech Trek: Technologies for special needs students
Fri, Feb 24, 2017 3:28 PM
Technologies for special needs students
This article is about an amendment that insures students with special disabilities to have available general education. Parents, students and teachers came together to design a program called IEP for special needs students. An IEP is a document that specifies guidelines for indications for students when in a classroom and classroom instructions. After IEP was mandated students have been able to increase their success in a classroom. It's very important for science teachers because they have to keep up with the latest technology so the students can participate in class. An example is the use of computer assisted instruction (CAI) and it allows students to work at their own pace. They have also come up with assistive technology which helps students perform task easier. In today's society all people use technology to function daily in their lives. Regardless of any disability none should be left out so I am very happy they have made adjustments for everything. I think this was a great article and I learned about many different ways to accommodate students with disabilities.
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