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Recent Reviews by Abby
Wed, Dec 18, 2019 11:54 PM
Bringing Clarity to Science Instruction
Getting a general idea of getting more clarity in a teachers instruction was interesting to read about. There were questions asked about how different teachers teach for example, labs, experiments, or teacher demonstration at the front of the class. This kind of opened my eyes as I was reading. Then the article was talking about how yes this may be good at times, but the students are not necessarily understanding it or knowing why they are learning what they are learning. A big take away from this is the clarity piece, and as a teacher you need to address this with your students. One thing to make sure that you implement this is to plan for it. Before teaching plan to tell the students why they are learning this and the importance because if they don't understand that they might not understand what you are really trying to get across to them.
Wed, Dec 18, 2019 11:44 PM
Core Ideas of Engineering and Technology
This article talks a lot about specifically just chapter 8 of this science practice. It was pretty interesting to read about what students should be learning at each grade level. For example, "by the end of second grade, students should know that engineers design a great design a great many different types of tools that scientists use to make observations and measurements"(Sneider). This framework is being used in classrooms and is laid out with different core ideas that are interesting to read about. I thought this article did a great job describing what the chapter 8 of this framework involved.
Wed, Dec 18, 2019 3:27 PM
5 Good Reasons to Use Science Notebooks
As a learner myself writing what I am learning or thinking helps me learn better, so I really enjoyed reading this article. In the article there are 5 great pieces of evidence as to why this is great to implement in the classroom. 1- Notebooks are our Thinking Tools, refers to having students write down concepts in the ways that they understand it. This way the students are learning in their own ways and not memorizing a specific definition or way to do certain problems. As for teachers, the second reason was that this a good documentation for teachers to see what their students are learning. This also incorporates writing, so the students literacy skills which is great especially for the younger elementary students that also need to be working on their writing! Drawing what they learn is also great for science and for younger students learning how to write. Lastly, this article is talking about how these notebooks foster teacher collaboration. When trying something knew as teachers, working together is very important to learn and grow from what is being done by these notebooks. This article has some really great ideas!
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