Sun, May 19, 2019 5:56 PM in Science Notebooks
My cooperating teacher uses interactive notebooks for all of her science lessons. She recently did one for her food web lesson. This involved having students cut out pictures of different animals and make a food web in their notebooks and matching terms to definitions and pasting them appropriately in their notebooks, among other activities. The students really enjoy the interactive notebooks, be...
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Wed, May 15, 2019 8:17 PM in Creativity in the Science Classroom
Today, we did a STEM activity in class. The students worked in pairs to build lego cars that could be powered by wind (fans) using sails. They used creativity in designing the cars and redisgning them after trials. After seeing how far their first car design traveled, they would modify their design by changing the size and/or placement of the sail(s), wheels, or any other part of the car as they ...
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