Sun, Nov 08, 2020 10:08 PM in Science Fun for Students
Hi Breana,
It is very important to get all students engaged in science learning. Even though some students may not enjoy science as much as others, we know they still need to learn it. It is our job as teachers to create engaging and interesting science activities while still teaching based on standards. To do this, find out what your students are interested in. If they are really interested i...
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Sun, Nov 08, 2020 9:20 PM in Classroom Environment
Hi Katherine,
It is great you are thinking of ways to keep students excited about learning while making sure they are appreciated and loved in your classroom! Building relationships with your students is the first and foremost thing you should be working on throughout the year. When students see you as someone they can trust and they know loves and cares for them, they will be more likely to b...
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Sun, Nov 08, 2020 8:57 PM in Teacher Evaluations
Hi everyone!
I am a preservice teacher and currently thinking about how teachers are evaluated in science education. As teachers, we are evaluated by other teachers, principals or others. How are you evaluated and what are you evaluated on? Is it on a rubric, grading scale, question and answer, observations, etc.? Is this different than you would chose to be evaluated and if so, how you would ...
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