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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Shannon
7 Resource Scavenger Hunt
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1-2 science objects or ebook,
2-3 Journal articles,
2 Links to misconceptions (1 from Leeds, 1 from another source),
3 Lesson plan/Lesson plan ideas,
1 Podcast,
1 external link
14 Resources
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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Shannon
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 10:13 PM in Ladybug Life Cycle Resource
I recently put together a lesson on the Ladybug life cycle for second graders. While I was going through the process of creating the lesson plan, I came across this article on the NSTA website that someone had uploaded and I found it very helpful when generating ideas. My lesson was taught virtually, therefore I needed to make a few modificaitons. I love how this article had students make predict...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Shannon
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 10:39 PM
Interdependence of Life Ebook
I am currently a pre-service teacher in my junior year of college. I found this ebook very engaging and I learned a lot of new information as I worked through it. I think the small mini quizzes at the end of each chapter were the most useful to help me check my understanding while also keep me on task. I also really enjoyed the high-quality pictures, diagrams, and interactive features of this ebook. I could definitely see myself utilizing this ebook in some capacity in a future lesson whether it is to incorporate information I learned or even any of the amazing pictures and diagrams. I think students would really enjoy this ebook and all it has to offer.
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 10:39 PM
Interdependence of Life Ebook
I am currently a pre-service teacher in my junior year of college. I found this ebook very engaging and I learned a lot of new information as I worked through it. I think the small mini quizzes at the end of each chapter were the most useful to help me check my understanding while also keep me on task. I also really enjoyed the high-quality pictures, diagrams, and interactive features of this ebook. I could definitely see myself utilizing this ebook in some capacity in a future lesson whether it is to incorporate information I learned or even any of the amazing pictures and diagrams. I think students would really enjoy this ebook and all it has to offer.
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