Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025
  • Christine Frewin

    Christine Frewin
    University of Houston

My NSTA / Peers / Christine Frewin

I am a student teacher at a title I school in the Houston area. This is my last year at the University of Houston. I am unique because teaching is my chosen career after 15 years working in the "corporate" world. I finally chose to do what I have always wanted to do, and what I know will make me feel fulfilled in my life goals. I love working with the younger grades, K-2. I am in a kindergarten class this year, and I am enthused by how much I have learned from them in the two short, okay long, weeks I have spent with them. I look forward to finding multiple sources from the NSTA website to contribute to meaningful and engaging lessons in the classroom.


Forum Posts 9 Public Collections 1 Reviews 0

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 1,615

Badges Earned
Onyx Commenter Onyx Aggregator NSTA Resource Activator NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator
Web Seminar Activator Interactive E-book Activator