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Mon, Apr 06, 2020 9:24 PM in Increasing Student Engagement in Science Lessons
Hello! I agree that Kahoot is an excellent resource to engage your students! I have seen it used in a second grade classroom to a college level classroom. Another realy nice feature of Kahoot is that you can access previous Kahoots made by other educators by searching for different types of criteria. I am currently an in-service teacher and I have even observed my Cooperating Teacher use Kahoot t...
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Mon, Apr 06, 2020 12:40 PM in Integrating Science and Physical Education
Hello! I am also a teacher candidate and have thought about the question you are asking about. I think that it is very possible to integrate science and physical education, however I am thinking about a physical activity that goes along with the science content. For example, in one of college courses (it was a teaching biology in education I believe) we went outside for the class and participated...
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