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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Paisley
Collection 3: Life Science
This Life Science collection focuses on plants, what they need to grow, and their life cycle. I have included two lesson plans called "Is it a Plant?" and "Needs of Seeds," and with this your students will be able to identify what is and is not a plant and what seeds need in order to grow. Next, there is a great YouTube video linked that discusses the life cycle of the plants a little more in depth. The article "How Plants Gain Weight" uses the 5 E's to demonstrate how plants need more than just the nutrients from the soil to grow and gain weight. Finally, I have included two additional resources to help teach this lesson/unit: The "Cycling through Plants" article and the "Peeking Inside Plants" interactive E-book, which are not free. If you decide to purchase them, they will allow students to get a better understand of seed germination and allow students to see in internal and external roles that plants require in order to survive.
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Collection 2: Earth and Space
This collection is geared towards upper elementary students covering the topic of stars and why we can't see them during the day. The lesson plan "Where Do Stars Go?" will allow your students to pick which answer they think is true and why. It will guide them to dig deeper and explain their reasoning. The video "Why don't we see stars in the daytime?" pairs perfectly with it. While those scratch the surface and teach us the basics, this next set of resources allows us to further our knowledge on why we only see certain stars during certain seasons. For a richer, more in depth lesson and video you can check out "Why Is Our Sun So Big and Bright?" as well as "Why Do the Stars Change with the Seasons?" Finally, I have linked an article called "When Can We See Makali‘i?" as an entire unit plan on this topic. It is specific to culture in Hawaii, but still allows ideas about how the Earth's rotation and motion can affect the stars.
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Recent Posts by Paisley
Thu, Sep 05, 2024 2:39 PM in How to help kids love science?
Hi, Diana! I am a pre-service teacher as well, and one of my ideas is to start the semster off by gauging how students feel about science. Do they like it, love it, hate it, etc? Find out what they are interested in versus what they aren't interested in and see how you can make those particualr lessons that they don't like fun for them! You could do this with a google form, and leave an o...
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Thu, Sep 05, 2024 2:26 PM in Bilingual class advice?
Hello, Brianda! I think it is so amazing that you are becoming a bilingual teacher! We most definitely need more since the number of multi-lingual students increases everyday! My major is Elementary Education, but my concentration is in Spanish. I hope to be able to help some of my spanish-speaking students and offer them more resources. I can't offer much advice because I am a pre-service te...
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