Wed, Nov 28, 2018 7:12 PM in Classroom Pets
I am a student studying Elementary Education at the University of Northern Iowa. I don’t really have any ideas on classroom pets but I have been thinking a lot about the importance of having living things in your classroom to help teach certain science topics such as adaptations. A really easy and affordable way to do this would be to have a bunch of different plants from a wide range o...
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Wed, Nov 28, 2018 6:29 PM in How to Make Elementary Science Exciting
I am a student studying Elementary Education at the University of Northern Iowa. I agree with you that the main reason why students don't find a subject engaging is because it isn’t something they were excited to learn about. I believe the greatest way to get students excited about learning science would be through inquiry based techniques. Try to have as many manipulative as possib...
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Fri, Nov 02, 2018 6:25 PM in Learning Science Concepts through Play
I actually just recently had the opportunity to visit Dr. VanMeeteren’s model early childhood inquiry science classroom at the University of Northern Iowa. This classroom is dedicated to helping children explore and understand science through play. She had many different areas throughout the room that the students could explore such as ramps and pathways, making your own kazoo to see how sound wo...
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