Tue, Dec 15, 2020 7:08 AM
Light up your life
I loved this ebook! I originally picked it because I thought the topic was interesting and wanted to see how they broke down such an open topic that had so many subcategories - which they did incredibly! This ebook hit all the main highlights of light, including what it is, it's properties (it explained the debates of earlier times of if light was a particle or wave], and even passed through surface level descriptions of the typical way of learning the light spectrum/visible light by explaining concepts such as absorption and emission spectra and how natural rainbows are created (one of my favorite parts of the ebook). I think the most intriguing thing about the ebook is that there are so many opportunities to actually interact/engage in the concepts with little pop up simulations; such as that of measuring the angles of incidence and reflection. It truly helps students test their knowledge as a more visual form of quiz/informal assessment. The language of each slide is worded almost as a narrative, making the ebook pleasurable to go through, especially in the sense of relating it back to students' lives (such as when explaining why we see a blue sky or a red sunset). I believe even the 1-2 question reviews on these slides help as whoever goes through that part addressing some misconceptions as the 'Why is the sky blue' review question had lots of misconceptions for answers (including because it could have reflected from the oceans, etc.) Building off of that idea, a great deal of misconceptions are also placed in the 'Pedagogical Implications' sections of the teacher ebook which I found so beneficial since it actually lists research-based misconceptions students have within each category of light (according to the grade level you teach). There is also a strand map presented under the grade level selected in which is to help educators focus on three big things to instruct and visually show where connections can be made. In the grade 6-8 portion, which is the one I had selected, the three main concepts were: Wave Behavior and Electromagnetic Waves, Vision, and Models of Light - Wave models. Knowing this information can help educators prep their lessons or even pre-assessments to see what their students already know/any misconceptions they may have to engage in their learning. Overall, this was an incredible ebook that did a nice job explaining such a large topic. With simulations, review questions, and understandable wording - this ebook is sure to light up your light!