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Recent Reviews by Stephanie
Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning
Thu, Apr 07, 2011 7:37 PM
Introducing Scientific Argumentation
I found this article to be useful, especially when introducing the idea of scientific argumentation to students at the elementary level. Giving students a framework for this kind of discussion will help clarify its purpose, and will serve as an organizational tool that students can use to build their arguments and communicate effectively with one another. The idea of introducing this framework through everyday “claims,” like “Who is the best basketball player?” is an excellent way to engage children by appealing to their interests and breaking down information into comprehensible parts. The author points out that using graphic organizers is another beneficial strategy that will help students make sense of their data, especially when first learning about data collection and organization of evidence to support or refute one’s claim. The article also discusses some of the challenges that students may face when working through this material. As a teacher, it is essential to be aware of stu
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