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Recent Posts by Jessica
Sat, Jan 21, 2012 2:23 PM in Science and Special Education?
Hi, I also wanted to piggyback on what Lisa said about making science memorable. I DEFININTELY agree that hands-on activities are meaningful, fun, and memorable! But as a "science person" who has taken boatloads of science courses and labs, the most memorable science task I've ever been given was a creative writing assignment in a Parasitology class in college. We had to research a chosen paras...
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Sat, Jan 21, 2012 1:58 PM in Science and Special Education?
Science lessons can easily be adapted to work for special education students. Other than the obvious of making science hands-on, there are also a lot of resources out there for turning science infomation into songs. Teaching the information through songs is a great way for many special education students to remember the information. They may not be able to sit still and focus on memoriz...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Jessica
Coral Reef Ecosystems
Sun, Nov 20, 2011 10:03 AM
Interesting and Informative
Coral Reef Ecosystems so beautiful and diverse. This SciPack was incredibly interesting and kept me engaged throughout the entire process. There's so much to learn about coral reefs, and this SciPack packed a lot of information into the small course. Anyone who is interested in coral reefs or who teaches about coral reef ecosystems would benefit from completing this SciPack. It was great!
Crazy About Crayfish
Tue, Nov 08, 2011 7:53 PM
Great Article!
I really loved this article! Keeping crayfish in the classroom sounds like a great way to "teach" scientific inquiry. I know the students would love observing the crayfish in their habitat, and would also enjoy documenting and discussing what they see. If keeping crayfish is as easy as this article makes it seem, then I plan on implementing this in my classroom!
Tue, Nov 08, 2011 3:19 PM
Rocks rock!
I really enjoyed completing this SciPack. It gave me a lot of background information that I can use to answer student questions that come up during our rock unit. I found the info on the age of rocks and Earth very interesting. I also enjoyed the analogy between the rock cycle and recycling.
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