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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Mercedes
In the Water
This collection will include readings regarding density, matter, buoyance and other topics that will aid me in teaching a lesson on what objects will sink or float in the water
6 Resources
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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Mercedes
Sun, Nov 08, 2020 1:14 AM in Classroom Environment
Ways to help your student feel welcomed is to get to know them. Show every student that you care about them not only as a class but as an individual. Something that I do with each of my students is as they walk in I greet them and give them the option of either giving an air hug or doing a 3 second dance. Something I also do is give them brain breaks, when I feel they are getting overwhelmed I st...
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Sun, Nov 08, 2020 1:01 AM in Soon to be a teacher
Hello Melissa,
I would say teaching virtually has been an experience for me. It has not been bad, but not good as well. It is more so as an awkward adjustment. It can be a bit difficult because I feel like I am not connecting to the students as I would do in person. Also, I feel that the children aren’t adequately learning. For future teachers, the advice that I have is to be patient...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Mercedes
SCE4312 Resources Collection
Sun, Nov 08, 2020 5:25 AM
I think this is a very good collection for students to learn about habitats. They are important because habitats allow all things living and nonliving things come together. I like that there a many articles and journals. My favorite article in this collection was trash or treasure because it discusses the cause and effect of how that trash changes it. Students had to list facts about all the components that made up that habitat, it was really cool.
Food Chain Collection
Fri, Nov 06, 2020 1:19 PM
My Review
I enjoyed reading this collection. I knew about food chains but never really heard of food webs. This collection taught me everything that I needed to know about which animal eat who and how it gets it energy. I like that each other either perform a 5E inquiry showing how these interconnections are good for the animals and connecting them to energy sources. My favorite resource in this collection was “figuring out our food chain” because it gave students a deeper understanding of what food chains and webs are and how they work.
Food Chain Collection
Fri, Nov 06, 2020 1:18 PM
I enjoyed reading this collection. I knew about food chains but never really heard of food webs. This collection taught me everything that I needed to know about which animal eat who and how it gets it energy. I like that each other either perform a 5E inquiry showing how these interconnections are good for the animals and connecting them to energy sources. My favorite resource in this collection was “figuring out our food chain” because it gave students a deeper understanding of what food chains and webs are and how they work.
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