Mon, Nov 18, 2019 11:25 PM in New teacher, Need some advice!
I am a preservice teacher also and will be getting my own classroom next fall. Advice that I just got the other week was focus on what you are good at (specific subject) then once you are even better at it then add another subject to focus on and continue to do that. Eventually you will be great at all subjects but it is going to take time. I know I am nervous but also excited but when I was told...
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Mon, Nov 18, 2019 11:05 PM in clasrrom management
For classroom management you really need to know your students and to talk to them on their level. Yes you need to be firm and not be a push over but if you talk to your students on their level and open up to them on a personal level they might treat you better. I am a preservice teacher also and in one of the classrooms I was in the teacher during science told them the students that they can do ...
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Mon, Nov 18, 2019 10:51 PM in Using Children's Literature for a Science Lesson on Apples
I think this is such a geat idea! I remeber in my day my teacher had each of us bring in an apple and she would then core them and cut them into swirls like streamers and then hang them from the ceiling in out classroom. We would then observe them drying and after so many days we actually got to tak ethem down and eat them. It was a very interesting and engaging. I found this website that has the...
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