Tue, Apr 14, 2015 12:28 PM in VIdeos on variation of traits?
Hi everyone-
Has anyone used any videos in the past that have helped their students understand the variation of traits that young animals have compared to their parents? I'm teaching a first grade unit based on NGSS 1-LS3-1 and would love if you could share any media tools you've used to teach this standard.
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Tue, Apr 14, 2015 12:25 PM in First Day of School Science Activities
Hi Lauren-
I think it's awesome that you're already starting to think of science activities you can incorporate in your future classroom. I recently learned about the following website: http://99centscience.blogspot.com/
The women who started this blog are experienced science educators who know how to create cheap science activities that are fun, explorative, and provide students with exp...
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Tue, Apr 14, 2015 12:22 PM in Science Assessments
Hi Emily-
There are tons of formative assessment materials available through the NSTA learning center if you just search formative assessments and the NGSS standard you are testing students. I find it helpful, since it's an informal assessment, to have students complete a quick "exit ticket" of one thing they learned from that day. You can give them a specific topic to focus on of course. Somet...
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