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Recent Posts by Alyssa
Tue, Nov 27, 2018 11:51 PM in Lesson on Magnets for Kindergarten
I feel with magnets there are some fun ways you can get your students exctied! Since they are magnets you can definitley pull some real world connection with your students. Asking them where can we find magnets? what shapes are magnets? are magnets big or small? where do magnets go? can a magnet go on just anything? Centers would be fun for them as well! giving them each a couple obj...
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Mon, Nov 26, 2018 9:37 PM in Lesson on Physical properties of matter for 2nd graders
Hello everyone!
I am doing a lesson with my second graders on physical properties of matter. I was just wondering what are some different ways I can implement this content in a fun way that keeps my students interactive and hands on? Thank you for your help!
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Mon, Nov 26, 2018 9:15 PM in Lesson on Physical properties of matter for 2nd graders
Hello everyone!
I am doing a lesson with my second graders on physical properties of matter. I was just wondering what are some different ways I can implement this content in a fun way that keeps my students interactive and hands on? Thank you for your help!
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