Sun, Apr 10, 2016 2:46 PM in Weather and Elementary
When teaching kindergarten, I think it is important to incorporate many songs and be repetitive. In the classrooms that I have observed, morning routines are vital. In the routine, the students go over the basic things like numbers, shapes, patterns, and weather. When doing the weather there is a song that I learned at a daycare that I worked at, and I think it would be extremely helpful.
Oh, ...
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Sun, Apr 10, 2016 2:38 PM in Kindergarten activities
From what I have seen, when it comes to science particularly, students love to participate in hands-on activities. They enjoy being able to explore and be given time to investigate why things happen the way that they do. When I taught a science lesson over photosynthesis, my students liked having the opportunity to go outside and look at plants more closely. You can find great ideas from pinterest...
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Sun, Apr 10, 2016 2:32 PM in Teaching Science to Kindergarten in a Short Time Frame
It is a great idea to try and incorporate science topics into other subject areas. By doing this it gives you more time for science instruction. Some other ideas would be to cover the main topics and do them in a manner which is brief and engaging. I have found that when teaching science students love to go outside and explore things on their own. Lastly, it could be helpful to find fun and inform...
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