Sun, Apr 03, 2016 12:20 PM in Getting girls involved in Science
Thanks for bringing up this important point in confidence building! A huge part of a lack in confidence for students is the fear of being wrong. As a female science student, I used to dread labs. What I should have experienced as a fun, hands on experience, felt like a test of whether or not I would appear intelligent off the page. Let's use experiments to explore the unknown and satisfy our curio...
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Sun, Apr 03, 2016 12:14 PM in Getting girls involved in Science
Absolutely. Females students need to see what science can look like, as it often doesn't look like a guy pouring chemicals in a lab! Role models and real life application are huge. So many females seem to be attracted to fields that involve helping other humans directly. Well there's tons of the in science, let's show them! I think field trips and guest speakers would help too. Thanks so much for ...
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Sun, Apr 03, 2016 12:09 PM in Getting girls involved in Science
Great point! The way we provide positive feedback is so important. I recently had to reflect on any bias I may have in the classroom, so I recorded my interactions with students. I would absolutely recommend this to practicing teachers. If you can record who you talked to, what about, for how long... after each period, or have an audio or video recording to watch later, you can look for potential ...
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