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Sat, Apr 22, 2017 10:30 AM in Planets
Hi Farah!
I think that bringing up the topic about Pluto no longer be considered a planet would be a very good topic to discuss with students. Allow them the opportunity to discuss and tell them about both sides of the topic and allow them to think critically about it. You can have students participate in a debate and do research on the side they choose. "Should Pluto be considered a planet or ...
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Sat, Apr 22, 2017 10:22 AM in Technology in Kindergarten
Hi Emily,
I think the best way to integrate technology when teaching science would be the use of a SMART board. For one of the courses I took recently, I was required to teach a lesson and I decided to choose the topic science and teach about the planet Mars. What I decided to do in order to engage my students was a simulation through the SMART board about what it would be like to be on Mars. I...
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Recent Reviews by Chariss
All About Plants Collection
Wed, Mar 29, 2017 12:18 AM
Hi Stephanie!
I saw all of the resources you added to your library and they all look very useful. I am also doing my lesson on parts of a plant, and we have a few resources in common like the "Science Shorts: Plants on the Move" and "Plants on Display". I was able to look through all the resources you had in your library and they will definitely be able to help enrich your lesson.
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