Thu, Nov 29, 2018 12:36 PM in Expanding on Science Role Models
Our general science books have a tendecy of leaving out images or names of a lot of those involved with the advancement of science. In the next 9 weeks I am going to be teaching about genetics and heritage. What are some interesting ways to introduce some of the major players in these discoveries so that my students can have a better grasp at who these people are, and that they can as...
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Thu, Nov 29, 2018 12:30 PM in Humor in the classroom
I find myself to be a bit of a jokester, but I won't toot my own horn in how good I am - which isn't that good...way too cheesy.
But I'm curious as to how much humor I can use when teaching, and in turn, how much joking about can I allow my students to partake in before it gets too out of hand. I know it's apparent that any jest sent Towards another individual is strictly...
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Thu, Nov 29, 2018 12:26 PM in Classroom Engagement
In another part of my inquiry series of discussion posts I’ll be listing in order to better myself as an upcoming teacher, I am curious how to keep the attention of students as the day goes on. Currently I’m student teaching at the 8th grade level, and after 20 minutes of classroom interaction I can already tell that students are drifting off into their own minds. What are some things...
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