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Tue, Dec 08, 2020 10:10 PM in Heredity
I loved the tree activity you mentioned along with all the other great introductory activities mentioned in the article! Glenco Science also has a great online simulation with traits and Punnett Squares! In the simulation the students are creating their own creature! They are given different genotypes and have to make a Punnett Square for each trait! At the end they choose one square from the Pun...
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Tue, Dec 08, 2020 9:57 PM in The Rock Cycle
Hey there Stephanie!
In October I did a hands on activity for the Rock Cycle with my 8th graders that they loved and I'm sure could be adapted for 6th grade! We started by watching a video that explained how sedimentary rock and igneous rock is made (we skipped metamorphic due to a lack of materials). After the video each student recieved wax paper and 3 Starburst, all differnt color...
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Recent Reviews by Rachel
Fri, Dec 11, 2020 8:01 PM
Great into book!
This book is a great book for first year teachers to gain an understanding of the syntax, discourse and vocabulary students need to understand to be successful in the science classroom. I would highly recommend to all middle level teachers
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