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Recent Posts by Mia
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 2:58 PM in Distance Learning
Hey Emily! Im glad you were honest because Im sure others have not thought about virtual field trips. They have so many cool things out their that pertaints to the TEKS. I have not seen it in a classroom but it is something I would like to see.
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Mon, Oct 26, 2020 2:54 PM in Distance Learning
I had an assignment I needed to do for this and it was so cool to find the many things that were out their. I uplaoded my file.
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Mon, Oct 26, 2020 2:51 PM in Distance Learning
Thanks so much and thank you for sharing.
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Recent Reviews by Mia
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 4:12 PM
Updated Review for Mia
I was not able to delete my other response so I had to rewrite it. I wanted to also mention I love how it shows the pedagogical implications. I think that was lovey seeing that among the different grade levels. I was blow away with the information. I remember talking about a few things in my college course but nothing like this. Give it a look and I promise you wont be disappointed. I was able to even show my friend, who enjoys science (and all its components) and it brought a smile to their face. It went in depth and allowed me to gain a deeper understanding.
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 3:57 PM
Explaining Matter With Elements, Atoms ect
This is a topic that really gets to me at times. I would have liked little jokes here and their but other than that no complaints. It is definitely interactive and informative. I have learned a lot and was able to ask questions to my father who is a biology teacher. Although its a lot of information, I recommended taking notes and or printing and writing notes on it.
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 3:52 PM
Heredity and Variation
You will be blown away! I loved the many examples (human and species and so much more. I was able to dig deeper and see things I didn't know before. I myself was motivated, actively learning and engaged as well. Its very informative and you are able to practice as well.
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