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Recent Public Collections by Monica
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Recent Posts by Monica
Tue, Nov 17, 2020 8:36 PM in Hands-on Activities
Getting students to be engaged in activities is now more difficult than ever! I like the Hands-On activites using household items to be able to reach our students at their leve of accessibility to supplies. One thing I would suggest that I did in elementary is virtual dissections and experiments. As a student when experiements were not able to be done by us because it would be too dangerous for e...
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Tue, Nov 17, 2020 7:36 PM in COVID Lessons for K-12
Hi Nancy,
Thank you for sharing! I think these lessons will be very beneficial to teach our students in times like these. We want them to be aware of what is happening but also have an understanding of what they can and need to do to stay safe.
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Monica
Gravity / Defying Gravity Collection
Tue, Nov 17, 2020 7:32 PM
Great Collection
I like the resources you choose connecting to the topic. The book Air Mass Matters: Creating a Need-to-Know and Friction is a good resource for teachers to look at when looking for activities to do with their students. I saw it had various activities. I like how each activity is broken down with everything needed and explanations are given making it easier for teachers to go through and pick activities for their lessons. As a pre-service teacher I like that I would be able to come to your collection and find multiple resources that would help me with making a lesson and that a lesson plan is shown as well. This lesson plan gives good examples and descriptions of what should be shown and done with students throughout. Thank you for sharing!
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