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Recent Reviews by Suhey
Tue, Nov 24, 2020 9:42 PM
Interdependence of Life is a great resource!
As a a pre-service teacher in my junior year of college, I chose to use this book for a lesson plan assignment. In my lesson I taught my peers about the characteristics of a habitat that are essential to an animal's survival. The book had a lot of useful information and was a great resource for my personal knowledge. The pictures were engaging and interesting. I was even able to use some of the pictures in my lesson plan. The one caution I would give people is to be wary of assigning it to students. The interactive checkpoint throughout the book were very easy to answer. The were based off of the readings and were pretty easy to use the text to figure out the right answer. However I found the final quiz much more difficult than the checkpoints. If you are assigning this textbook to students, I think it's a great tool but that you should do the final quiz as a partnered, small group, or whole group informal assessment. Some of the questions were really great and required some in depth thinking that would be good points of discussion.
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