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Recent Reviews by Megan
Wed, Dec 08, 2021 2:17 AM
Community Involvement
Community involvement goes two ways. This article does a great job of discussing how the students can get involved within the community. This article also does a great job of displaying problem based learning. With this problem based learning the students are the one creating the solutions.
Wed, Dec 08, 2021 1:46 AM
Trade Books
I am a firm believer that if the informational content is at the students level then they are more likely to use it as a resource and this will help the students knowledge growth. It's important that students learn how to and want to use resources properly and from what I took away from this article is that by using age appropriate books, the students will have a wider variety of resources.
Wed, Dec 08, 2021 12:46 AM
Simple Machines
One thing I found very interesting about this article is that the pictures included child involvement. I really liked the fact that the article was also a lesson plan. This is a lesson that I would like to teach in my future classroom. I could even take this lesson farther by having the students get into groups and create a few simple machines!
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