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Wed, Nov 18, 2015 7:20 PM in Cells can't be boring!!
Hi Brenda,
I recently covered the topic of cells in my AP and Honors/Standard class. I adapted an assignment that is readily available online called Organelle Wars. In general, students are assigned to a groups of 2-3 students and work together to "campaign" for an organelle that they choose or you assign to them. Their goals include creating campaign aids (poster, videos, PSAs), creating broch...
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Recent Reviews by Gary
Active Evolution Instruction
Wed, Nov 18, 2015 5:59 PM
Antibiotic Resistance
Evolution can easily be one of the more difficult topics to discuss in a classroom setting- mostly due to the vast misconceptions and preconceptions from students. This chapter did a great job detailing the research supporting the studying of evolution, “as a valid scientific explanation.” I also appreciated the Q&A section describing the various concerns educators may have when addressing this topic. In addition, I think the section titled “Natural Selection and Antibiotic Resistance” was very insightful - it follows the 5E format and allows students to explore various resources as they examine antibiotic resistance. I also appreciated the elaborate activity in which students hypothesize the relationship between generation times of bacteria and resistance to antibiotics. If you are struggling with developing an effective evolution unit, I encourage you to take a look at this resource and the active instructional tools available.
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