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Recent Reviews by Charla
Spring Into Energy
Wed, Apr 29, 2015 10:36 AM
Energy Lessons
This unit is a great hands on and engaging lesson to teach children about energy. The use of toys is a great way to make the lesson real to the students since they have toys that operate using energy and probably never really thought about why it works. I particularly like the portions where the students can create their own toy with energy.
Fun With Ionic Compounds
Wed, Apr 29, 2015 10:23 AM
Excellent Strategies to Promote Learning!
What a wonderful ways to reinforce the teaching of ionic compounds and writing the formulas. The bonding cards is particularly helpful to help students understanding of how to write the formula. All these games are a great way to enhance students learning of ionic bonding. They will certainly solidify the understanding of cations and anions and how these bonds occur.
Exploring Cells from the Inside Out: New Tools for the Classroom
Wed, Apr 29, 2015 10:11 AM
Understanding Cells using Diverse Methods
This article highlighted high tech and low tech ways to ensure students understand cells. The use of computers and hands on examples together will certainly help to solidify students understanding of cells.
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