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Mon, Mar 29, 2021 1:48 PM
Coral Reefs Ecosystem Review
One thing that I really enjoy about not only this E-book but every E-book is the option to listen to the material. It makes it so easy to take notes or work on other assignments while still listening to the information. The pictures that were included were beautiful and the diagrams immensely helpful. I liked how at the end of each object there was a summary page. The summary page allowed me review all the information from the object in a simplified form. These summaries were also very helpful for quiz preparation. Speaking of the quizzes, they were great! Even if you get an answer wrong you have an unlimited amount of attempts to get the correct answer. The object quizzes also explain the correct answer or why a chosen answer is incorrect. I've always been interested in coral reefs and I learned a lot from this E-book!
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