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Recent Posts by Rebecca
Sun, Nov 29, 2015 9:00 PM in 1st year teachers and parents
I am a bit worried about how parents will feel knowing that their child is in a class with a first year teacher. Will they be extra critical of me or concerned that their child could be with a more experienced teacher receiving a better education? One of my credential professors mentioned that she believes parents will be excited that I am a new teacher with fresh ideas. What are your opinions and...
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Sun, Nov 29, 2015 8:49 PM in Outdoor Activities
What are some fun and engaging outdoor activities that can be done with students?
In early childhood, children are just starting to become aware of their senses. Maybe an outdoor activity that can be implemented with the kids is to use their five senses. They can go smell flowers, feel rocks and grass, listen to what sounds they hear etc. They can also walk around to look for habitats. For exa...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Rebecca
Earth and Space Topics Collection
Fri, Dec 04, 2015 10:23 AM
collection review
I reviewed over Janelle Sardinas sci-pack and it was on the moon phases and space. The science object was very helpful and it would be beneficial for students to review these elements. I thought it was very interesting of how in depth this object goes and even learned more details about Earth and Space science. In elementary school, we vaguely went over the phases of the moon. I feel this science object can really help give students insight and how it affects the world we live in today.
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