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Perspectives: Reading and Science
Mon, Aug 01, 2016 1:06 PM
Perspectives: Reading and Science
In reading Perspectives; Reading and Science, it was very interesting and helpful. It helped me understand
the importance of integrating science in all academic areas. This article gave me a better understanding about authentic reading and how it can increase students to be motivated to read while improving comprehension skills. When students have interesting text with lots of information, it opens their curiosity and that will guide them to have mastery in science and literacy.
I use a variety of books for students to read after completing assignments and during quiet reading time. Students can choose books that are fiction and non fiction in all academic areas. I integrate science books according to the unit we are studying. They seem very excited and curious to read the science
books, especially if its a topic we are studying. I've noticed in the last few years a lot of the reading series are integrating science literacy.
After reading this article, I will make sure I have enough authentic reading. This will help them with hands on activities and make reading fun and a challenge. I will use books from the reading series that talks about animals and their habitats in my unit. I will continue to teach my children to read in science for authentic purposes.
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