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Recent Posts by Jessica
Tue, Mar 23, 2021 11:50 AM in Make Science Engaging
All actvities that we give to students should be engaging and exciting, and I understand that it could get repetitive giving experiment after experiment. Another way to make science lessons fun for your students is to have them get into a space of "wonder". This was something I learned in a college course that said the first step to learning and understanding is wonder. When students wo...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Jessica
Water as Matter: Properties and Uses Collection
Thu, Mar 18, 2021 2:31 PM
Great Job
Hi Stephanie! After going through your collection and all of the resources, I have to say I like it a lot. There is a lot of information on the topic and they all are so diverse and unique. My favorite thing about your collection is that you don't only have one type of resource, such as a book. Your collection has variety with the books, podcasts, and journal articles. This makes sure that whoever is going through your material will have the ability to choose the resource that best fits their needs. I also like that at a couple of your resources have actual lesson activities that could be used as resources for teachers. All in all, great job!
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