• Whitney Lynch

    Whitney Lynch


My NSTA / Peers / Whitney Lynch

  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Whitney

    Collection 3: Physical Science

    This collection of Physical Science resources includes: Lesson Plan: An assessment probe to elicit students’ ideas about how we see objects. The probe is designed to find out if students know that light must be reflected from an object and enter the eye in order to see an object. Journal Article: A journal article that explains how the Earth is heated by the Sun using energy. Video: A video explaining how magnets have fascinated and baffled scientists throughout history. Students will learn the properties of magnets and see magnets at work in everyday objects. Other: Everyday Physical Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching [an e-book PDF of science mysteries you can use to get students interested in an inquiry lesson].

    4 Resources

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    Collection 2: Life Science

    This collection of Life Science resources includes: Journal Article: CLSI: Cool Life Science Investigations [discusses teaching students about processes that take place in medical and crime media and how they actually happen using real-life, developmentally appropriate experiences] Lesson Plan: How Will The Plant Grow? [students will conduct an experiment to learn and understand why plants face certain directions at different times] Video: Metamorphosis [teaches students about metamorphosis, specifically in frogs] Lesson Plan: Why Are Flowers So Different? [students will look at and dissect flowers to help understand why flowers are so different]

    4 Resources

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