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Sat, Apr 04, 2015 9:56 PM in Survey about pets in the science classroom.
Hello everybody!
Some of you may already have seen this exact same post through the Oneonta Bioforum Listerv. If you have and you already responded, thank you very, very much for your input!
I am a student at SUNY Buffalo State and a fellow student and I are currently working on our master's project for our science education certification. Our project is focusing on live animals in the class...
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Mon, May 12, 2014 2:13 AM in Animals in the classroom?
Greetings everyone!
I just have a quick question about animals in the classroom:
Are there specific national standards regarding what exactly is and is not allowed in a high school classroom? My internet-searching abilities may just be sorely lacking; but I have only been able to determine two things so far:
1. As a resident of New York State, the classroom cannot have anything that New Y...
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