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Hello, my name is Ruby and I am interesred in knowing any great teacher planners that will help when being a 1st time teacher? I am very organized when it comes to organizing and writing what is due in that week or special days throughout the month. Where would I find that great teacher planner and if please show me a picture please! Also if possible, any tips to organize a teacher planner. I wou...
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Wed, Aug 25, 2021 10:55 PM in Field Trips
Hello Rochelle! First of all, field trips will be a great way to have students be happy and engage all day wherever they go. They will be focused yet participate in any activities if any there at the place you take them. I happen to like this place when I was in elementary and the place was called " Rancho el Charco" in La Joya, TX. We were taken there for my science class since they ha...
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