Winter Group - November 14 campaign
  • Ryan Towata

    Ryan Towata
    Liholiho Elementary

My NSTA / Peers / Ryan Towata

Paleo eater, fitness freak, crossfitter. Teach fourth grade. I integrate science, math, and physical fitness to help the students learn. I want more resources to add to my large science library. I've loved the sciences since my own elementary school days. I have NXT Lego kits in my class and we use them as much as we can.

  • Public Collections
  • No Public Collections

  • Forum Posts
  • Reviews

Forum Posts 50 Public Collections 0 Reviews 3

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 3,340

Badges Earned
Onyx Commenter Pearl Commenter Ruby Commenter Emerald Commenter NSTA Resource Activator
NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator Interactive E-book Activator Interactive E-book Optimizer Interactive E-book Accelerator