Tue, Dec 04, 2012 3:48 PM in Gravity
The other thing my class will be doing this week is the butter side up or the butter side down toast drop. The students will watch the Mythbusters espisode introduction and determine whether or not a slice of buttered toast will land butter side up or butter side down. The students will explain whether or not the toast will land one way or the other and explain using gravity. My students will pred...
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Tue, Dec 04, 2012 3:43 PM in Nutrition SciPack
Food log update 2:
My students are more aware of the things they are eating and putting in their body. At lunch time the fourth and fifth graders can choose what they want to eat. They have to take the main dish but they can choose to eat the vegetables, the fruits, and the breads. My kids after analyzing and reflecting on their choices the week before decide on what they should be adding to thei...
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Tue, Dec 04, 2012 3:28 PM in Gravity
Thanks for sharing about your egg drop lab. I do that with my fourth graders too. I too have them design, sketch and label their contraptions. The fourth graders also have to use recyclable materials to create their egg drop vehicle. They also have to be able to easily remove the egg. The students also have a certain volume that their egg drop contraption needs to be no bigger than. I want...
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