Tue, Dec 17, 2019 7:52 PM in clasrrom management
I think the big thing in classroom management during science is to review rules and expectations. Let students know that if they cannot follow rules and expectations, than they will not be able to complete the science experiment, and they will be sitting in their desks doing bookwork. If you don't want to do that, then you could just push it off to the next day until students can prove that t...
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Tue, Dec 17, 2019 7:48 PM in Mystery Science online
I am a preservice teacher, but have seen Mystery Science used in a few of my practicums. The school that I was at used Mystery Science as their curriculum, but the teacher who I partnered with would tweak it as needed in order to cover standards and the way that she wanted her students to be engaged. I found that Mystery Science is a good thing to use if you don't have time to co...
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Tue, Dec 17, 2019 7:43 PM in Making your Classroom as Safe as Possible
I am also a preservice teacher, so I am following this! One thing that I've learned is to always review the rules and expectations beforehand so that students know what is expected of them, and that it is NOT time to mess around when we have materials out. Another thing might be wearing Personal Protective Equipment if necessary.
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