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Recent Public Collections by Christina
Coral Reefs
These six collections are all related to the Coral Reef. I have chosen these because they relate to what I will be teaching the fourth grade class. Each one of these articles and book chapters have different information that will collaborate to my lesson plan and to what I will essentially be teaching the students.
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Recent Posts by Christina
Mon, Apr 21, 2014 9:00 PM in Kindergarten Science
An activity that is really useful for students to understand the water cycle is the paper plate activity. You divide the paper plate equally into four sections and write precipitation, condensation, evaporation, and collection. In each flap you could write about, or draw a picture if it is a younger grade, the phase within the water cycle.
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Mon, Apr 21, 2014 8:43 PM in Animal Habitat Project
There are many different ways in which this activity can be done. There is also a website,, where you could get many ideas on activities to do with kids involving animal habitats. Some ideas that teachers have are to make each student, or multiple students, do a different habitat. That way students can learn about all the different habitats and not everyone will do the same one.
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